Friday, April 3, 2015

Nepalese Traditional Education System and its Impact on Students

If you are Planning for a year, sow rice
if you are plannig for a decade, plant trees
if you are planning for  life time, EDUCATE PEOPLE.

A famous chinese proverb defines the importance,value and impact of quality education in the human civilization and needful society. 

Nepal a country naturally rich in biodiversity is lacking quality of education, which is lacking due to the traditional thinking of uncivilized unawared and uneducated people. Based on edcational practices all over the world, we still follow 100 years traditional educational pattern where students
(future generation) carries same old books which contains basic knowledge about apple ball and cat. 
The barriers to quality of education is due to lack of knowledge about the changing mordern educational pattern which is already in existance. I still remember 21 years back where i used to carry a bag full of load and pressure which makes me feel tired and exhusted, and still the practice is same. 

There is not any efforts done by the corrupted government to change the pattern that we went through and still it will be continued for several years. Educational system in world has be changed drastically as we can see from several years. Eurpoean, American even Indian schooling pattern has been changed form carrying school bags to be digitilized schooling pattern where students learn and experience easy learning pratices. The concept of schooling has been changed form just teaching students how to read and write besdie that schools are taking initiative to teach childrens to be more creative in the sector that they are focused and aimed. Students know what they have to be, and learn all the social activities in school.

As we say father and mother are the first school, but due to fastest growing time even parents are not able to provide students quality of social education, where childers learn to behave speak and act as per the situation is lacking, which should be taken care by the mordern education system, which are already in practice in western culture. 

In my opinion, i have felt few changes to be done in education system of nepalese culture, and these steps may bring small changes in educating new generation. 

1) Instead of hard skills students should be educated with basic soft skills, where they learn basic styles of living life as per their requirements

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Contemporary State of Mind ( Impact of Mordernization)

Lets start the way from the beginning of the human civilization, people were struggling for their existance on the earth as a human power, prove themself as a superpower, super intelligent animals among the natural beings. People started civilizing them and started thinking out of box and make a remarkable changes on the way they think and do. 

Now we can see the differences, what the remarkable changes we made on the way and up to what extend we can reach. Humans are super power  on the universe what we think and what we feel now, but there is a big challange now to prove it . The scientific era created an outstanding changes in the patter of thinking and  living. The change in time, era and generation created a lot of progress which create recent civilization and new world with sophisticated living standard. People started making unwanted desire which doenst have any existance in natural need. 

In recent findings, researchers and philishopers are studying the virtual state of mind of a common people, based on the findings they concluded that patter of thinking in a new generation totally changed form the past life. Virtual thinking tends to be demoralized and people started thinking like a machine, where they are toally focused on machinery output. The life seems impossible without those man made creatures on the planet. 95% people follow those 5% who are the inventor of morden civilization are thinking out of box to implanting  their findings and their dreams on the new dependent generation. It seems horrible when we see the pattern, how the world is trnasforming form natural habitat to manchinery revolution. It shows that the experiment to change the thinking of people are going on the right patter who are planning and creating the things on their behalf. A normal person cannot think his life without machinery presence, it seems  like an animal if he/she doesnt know how to deal with the mordern changes.

Is this the change what we need and what we are dreaming of ?  
Now, the time has came to make a serious thinking, after couple of years ther existance of humanity will be in trouble, where people may born with chips and artificial intelligence instead of brain and heart and its on practice. People seems like vampire ruled by machines everywhere they go they need it life without machine seems impossible, now a days. They may live couple of days without eating but cannot sustain a second without turning on the morden devices (have many name). People are focused on monetary not for their existance and living but for those morden needs which are making them dependent. Those sort of changes on human civilization will make a great devastating impact on the whole creature to sustain its living on the mother earth. Limitaion is always there where we need to have and always need to be focused on. 

We super intelligent being on the earth should prioritized the actual need and want, instead of living the created and planned life structure/designed structure). Never try to prove others to make what you are capable, try that what makes you capable to be. Change the way you live life and see the changes you can be. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

"Rich in cultural Diversity and Natural Biodiversity" Nepal a Land of Natural Oppurtunity

Nepal a country, totally different from rest of the world. when we see the National Flag, "Unique in Shape and Size" it determines how different we think and do. We salute and Respect our ancestor for their USP's where they lead the world with their courage and bravery. I salute you all once again. A country which have 1000 years back history, definitely  deserve a respect from the world, as we stand in the top of the world.

From the birth place of lord Buddha to Araniko who showed their potential and knowledge to make our name and fame. We are rich in Cultural Diversity with more then 100 Pilgrimage for Hindus from the age of god and goddesses. We are always open to share our feelings and love to the rest of the world. A different foundation of rich in cultural ethnicity, describe our identity, although we still depends up on agriculture. Our cultural diversity has laid down a impact on western culture, where many people come to our nation for learning our culture tradition and our beliefs. 

Archaeologist, Scientists  are regularly found in our University for their discoveries and studies, we can find the settlement of people form caves to new sophisticated lives. It still shows that we are the people in the world with rich human civilization with multiple livelihoods. Upper Mustang and Lower Mustang which are supposed to be place under water for millions of years are carved with human civilization, which almost seems to be unbelievable. but it does. When i see many westerners researching in our National Museums, and feel excited to answer their question regarding the bricks which were made 200 years ago, i normally find those people even don;t see any civilization at that time. Even though we lack behind in their Ranking of world with great economic pyramid  of modern  development, still we rank for the best civilization of the world. 

A country with many ethnicity with diversity under same territory are rarely found all over the world, where as we posses all the skills and capabilities to provide all types of respect and love to all the people of the world. God Gifted water resources where no one have to think before taking a drop of spring water in thirsty mouth, makes us rich all the time even though we lack world best quality manufactured mineral water which will cost around, $35 per half liters. 

We are proud to be a country having the best cultural diversity which reflects our past civilization and history, along with the same level of natural diversity which distinctly differ us from the rest of the world and the world always respect our strong commitment and bonding's among each other for the patriotism to our nation.

Yet more to discover, yet more to do we are still undiscovered we have to do......

Kindly help me to Re- discover Nepal, Lets Re - Discover Nepal

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Traditional Business Practices and its Impact

As we see, The world is marching forward like a light that travels in a friction of second. Still Nepal hospitality sector lacks far behind the competative growth as compared to other nation. We sometimes hear that the Royal Thai Airways and Nepal Airlines were Bought at a same time, probably 50 years back and here we are still fighting for our aviation practices where as other already left us far behind. This is just an example, when we go for example we have more then 100 other traditional practices which will make us feel proud at that time. Our future generation will  definately curse us for all the lackings and low performances.

The same traditional practices or working as a porter have laid us a big drawback in the sector of hospitality in Nepal, A country with massive natural resources, god gifted heart touching and moment blissing beautiness are still to be known through the world and we lack to explore to rest of the world. These old traditional practices of Nepalese Tourism Industry to rely on same tourist who frequently visit our nature land for the prospectof saving some income from their regularly geberated income are the source of foreign currency for national development.

Lets change the habit of relying on same traditional practices and come up with new virtual and innovative ideas to boost up our industry. All the market leaders in hospitality sector should set a benchmark for acheiving certain level of changes in this sector which will make a drastic changes in the path of nepal;s tourism and hospitality industry.

Beside that all the nepalese residing outside the country should emphais on developing the prospect of Tourism and hospitality business through their means of work or any other specific works, neither rely on the future generation to comtinue their path.

Please visit my facebook page and help me out to take a step forward to help my mother nature explore its fragnances through outhe world.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Nepal Eternity Beauty and its Future Business Prospects....

Nepal Geographically reside between biggest pillar of the world economy, India and China. Which symbols that it is the best place for leisure and recreation. As we see these two countries are rising their economic growth in multiple figure which indicates that more and more people are engaged to work under simultaneous work schedule. Far from the crowd in the lap of nature, Nepal can take an advantage of organizing the best place to forget all the work load, work pressure and stress.

Geographically, all types of climates are found in Nepal. The people from high temperature can find themselves  comfortable on the lower belt of Nepal know as "Terai Belt" with the lower altitude of 59 meter ( 194 ft), with rich in the natural resources. Accordingly for those people who are from the higher altitude can experience extreme higher experience with the altitude of more than 5000 meter human civilization and their daily lives.The total duration form 59 meter to 8848 is with in a day so that all the people who ever want to experience extreme hot and extreme cold doesn't have to travel long distance with fatigue.

Me personally i have travelled almost more then 52 districts of Nepal, starting from Far East Jhapa,  to the Far West Mahendranagar in the terai belt, Where as Taplejung to Salyan in the higher Belt. When you compare the natural diversity and change in climate we can find a different climate after each 5 minute travel from lower region to higher region. This is the best thing that have a prospect of starting business in Nepal, where all the people of the world from any corner can easily find their suitable climate to adopt for their natural relaxation and recreation.

Geographically Nepal have a difficulties in transportation, but nowadays most of the places are connected through road ways so that it's not that much difficult to discover any products of the world.
Each and every part of nepal have their own speciality and importance that make a difference in establishing the different flavor in the living of any new expats and learn new things.

Nepal can take its geographical advantage of natural diversity with competitive purity to establish a chain of hotels for the people to make their living in the nature, with A land of Mount Everest, Great Gautam Buddha and Brave Gurkhas.